Exciting News: NewIBNET launches the Learning at Kigali Initiative

NewIBNET is excited to invite utilities from around the world to the IWA Water and Development Congress 2023 in Kigali. This is your chance to enhance your organization's management practices and performance. By participating in this initiative, you could win a fully sponsored conference package, including travel and accommodation.

How to Participate:

  1. Register as a NewIBNET Member
  2. Submit 15 Key Performance Indicators
  3. Complete a Self-Assessment of 27 Management Practices for 2022
  4. Successful candidates will gain a fully sponsored conference package, including travel, accommodation, and conference fees.

To be considered for selection, utilities are required to submit their data by November 10, 2023. Even if you're not selected for Kigali, you can still benefit from NewIBNET's global network and learning opportunities. Join us in making a positive impact on the water and sanitation sector.

For more information, check the Initiative page

Learn at Kigali Initiative banner